The Credit Union Leadership Podcast
We serve hope to current and aspiring credit union leaders by providing solutions to your leadership challenges. If you’re a credit union leader seeking to grow your business, tune in to this podcast. ServiStar Consulting’s Mike Neill, Taylor Murray, and Scott Albrecht draw on their extensive experience of working with countless credit unions to provide valuable insights and lessons.

Monday May 01, 2017
4: Coaching for Maximum Performance
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
This episode is about how credit union leaders can coach for maximum performance. Mike Neill shares how to help employees accomplish their goals, staring with a clear definition of coaching. The goal is to coach with high efficiency, including how to help employees transfer into "the workplace" what you teach them in "the classroom".

Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
3: Leadership
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
This episode is all about leadership. Since this is the Credit Union Leadership Podcast, we thought it'd be fitting to have an episode devoted to the nature of credit union leadership. Mike discusses everything from what makes a good leader at a credit union to the role of organizational mission for credit union leaders. Here's Mike with the definition of leadership to start.

Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
2: Employee Engagement
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Today's episode is about employee engagement. Mike Neill talks about the difference between employee engagement and buy-in, what engagement really looks like in a credit union, and his advice about how to increase employee engagement at your credit union in a natural way. In this episode, you'll hear what Mike has learned over his years by consulting hundreds of credit unions. As a bonus, we've got a special guest, Christine Blake, one of Mike Neill's clients and the CEO and President at Cardinal Credit Union. She shares the story about how Michael Neill & Associates helped her increase employee engagement at Cardinal Credit Union. Here's Mike with the definition of employee engagement, a critical piece of the puzzle for credit union leaders who want a highly engaged workforce.

Monday Jan 30, 2017
1: Organizational Culture
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
In this episode, Mike Neill discusses the nature of organizational culture, the key elements of a thriving credit union culture, and how exactly leaders can create a thriving credit union culture. In this episode you'll hear what Mike Neill has learned over his years of consulting hundreds of credit unions, and we've got a special guest, Mike Kloiber, who shares his experience along the journey toward a thriving organizational culture as a credit union CEO at Tinker Federal Credit Union in Oklahoma City.